The Manly Catholic: Igniting Men to Light the World on Fire

Fr. Dom's Homs - Mastering Your Heart: The Battle Between Passion and Virtue from the 7th Sunday in OT

James Caldwell

Your heart is a battlefield. What rules it—your emotions or God's will? In this episode, we dive into the raw struggle between passion and virtue, drawing from Scripture to expose how unchecked emotions can either destroy or transform. David had every reason to kill Saul, yet he chose mercy. Saul let jealousy consume him, and it led to his downfall. What about you? Are you ordering your passions toward God, or are they leading you into sin?

Lent is coming. It’s time to examine what idols have crept into your heart and reclaim it for Christ. We unpack why the sacraments—especially the Eucharist—are the key to forming a heart like Christ’s. You’ll learn how to fight against destructive passions like anger and lust and replace them with ordered love, discipline, and righteousness.

This isn’t just a call to reflection—it’s a call to action. If you want true peace, if you want to be free, you must embrace the radical love Christ calls us to.

3 Powerful Quotes from the Episode:

  1. "The passions of the heart, if left unchecked, will rule you. If you don't allow God to order them towards the good, they will control you and dictate every move."
  2. "You want a heart like Christ? Then receive the Eucharist. His very heart—His body, blood, soul, and divinity—transforms yours."
  3. "To turn the other cheek isn't weakness. It’s standing your ground in righteousness, refusing to be overcome by evil, and showing the world what true strength looks like."

Order your passions toward God. Don’t let anger, lust, or jealousy dictate your actions. Instead, discipline your desires through prayer, confession, and the Eucharist. A man who rules his heart under Christ’s authority is a man who cannot be shaken.

Push play now—this might be the wake-up call your heart needs.

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